divendres, 1 de juny del 2018

Funny games and objects with recycled material

How far can kids creativity travel?

It is amazing watching them working on some pieces of cardboard boxes, sticks, bottle tops ... some waste material that is reused and has a new life!
Enjoy watching our Grade 3 recycled games and obkjects!

dimecres, 2 de maig del 2018


Students of Grade 4 designed a prototype of a SDG invention for the " Innovation project" which is developed by more than 88 countries around the world.
This is Week 2 and our goal is to design an invention included into the SGD (Sustainable Developing Goals)

Here is the production of our class: LITTER EATER FISH, a fish that eats all the rubbish which founds under the sea.

dimarts, 1 de maig del 2018

SAVE THE PLANET, a poster contest in Grade 3

Students in Grade 3 participated in a Poster contest called " Save the planet"
Toni was the winner
CONGRATULATIONS Toni, your poster is very original and it has a very important and deep message that everyone of us should take into account!

diumenge, 29 d’abril del 2018


El XXXIV Certamen Literari va ser la cloenda del projecte PLANETA VIU. La Terra, la nostra llar, té greus amenaces que necessiten d'una forta conscienciació social. Els nostres nens i nenes són la gran esperança de futur, que a través d'un aprenentatge ple de fortes conviccions puguin anar trobant camins de millora. Gràcies a tots, nens i nenes, mestres, pares i mares, familiars i amics per fer possible aquesta festa de l'art en el seu sentit més global: dibuix, pesia, música i dansa ens ajuden  a transmetre les emocions més pures dels nostres infants.


dijous, 12 d’abril del 2018

We've got the whole world in our hands

Students of Grade 2 sing the beauty of our planet:

A poem for the beauty of our planet:I AM THE SPRING

Spring is one of the best moments of the year to make poetry , because it brings us new air, new life new energy.
Our students of Grade 4 welcome spring with this beautiful poem


Funny games and objects with recycled material

How far can kids creativity travel? It is amazing watching them working on some pieces of cardboard boxes, sticks, bottle tops ... some wa...