diumenge, 29 d’abril del 2018
El XXXIV Certamen Literari va ser la cloenda del projecte PLANETA VIU. La Terra, la nostra llar, té greus amenaces que necessiten d'una forta conscienciació social. Els nostres nens i nenes són la gran esperança de futur, que a través d'un aprenentatge ple de fortes conviccions puguin anar trobant camins de millora. Gràcies a tots, nens i nenes, mestres, pares i mares, familiars i amics per fer possible aquesta festa de l'art en el seu sentit més global: dibuix, pesia, música i dansa ens ajuden a transmetre les emocions més pures dels nostres infants.
dijous, 12 d’abril del 2018
A poem for the beauty of our planet:I AM THE SPRING
Spring is one of the best moments of the year to make poetry , because it brings us new air, new life new energy.
Our students of Grade 4 welcome spring with this beautiful poem
dilluns, 9 d’abril del 2018
Dimarts 20 de març
Ens visita en Martí, farmacèutic i pare del Roger Riera, per explicar-nos les propietats dels diferents productes que podem obtenir de les abelles.
Ens visita en Martí, farmacèutic i pare del Roger Riera, per explicar-nos les propietats dels diferents productes que podem obtenir de les abelles.
Navàs, 9th April 2018: The Mayor of Navas visits us at school
Today we lived a good experience in class because Mr. Jaume Casals, the Mayor of Navàs came to give us a reply of the letter we brought him in March after the Action "Let's Clean Up Europe". He congratulated us for all the actions we are doing and encouraged us to spread our good habits to our families, friends, neighbourhood and everywhere. He said: " You are the key of the future"
Thanks Mr Jaume, we will keep doing our best!
Thanks Mr Jaume, we will keep doing our best!
Here is his letter with the reply: he and the councilors are working on our proposal. let the river Llobregat shore become a leasure place for people to go for a walk, to have a picnic etc.
After the letter, we could show him some of the activities we have been doing during our eTwinning project " URRRGENT! Europe's knocking at the door" such as: the " Climate Action Project" in October, The EWWR in November, " the garlic soup", the Eco-calendar in January... and he also told us about the food waste study and research that the Council has done in Navàs. It seems that that people throw a lot of food and he told us that WE NEED TO WORK ON FOOD WASTE A LOT!
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Funny games and objects with recycled material
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